Case Studies
Rebranding and Messaging for High-Impact Organizations
Clifton Consulting led rebranding efforts for the #1-ranking high impact nonprofit in the education sector and created organizational messaging to impact the efforts of funders, recruits and policymakers. The result was a branding campaign, which enhanced the organization’s outreach strategy, their name recognition and their online and digital presence.
Advancing Leaders in Fortune 100 Companies
Clifton Consulting provided professional development coaching and training programs to middle-management individuals from top-performing global companies. As a result, 100% of participants felt more directed in their career path and fully recommended the program to colleagues and partner organizations, and over 60% of participants asked for raises or promotions within six months.
Coalition Building to Protect Consumers
When the largest global Internet service providers had a call to action to protect U.S. consumer safety, Clifton Consulting developed a strategy to leverage cross-sector impact. The firm brought together important constituencies in private companies, federal agencies and nonprofit arenas to create structured communications campaigns, working groups and coordinated actions to maximize consumer protection and awareness. The result: a global model presented at the G8 Summit to enact similar efforts worldwide and virtually eliminating the threat consumers on the platforms of member companies.
Building Grassroots Support for Bi-Partisan Legislation
When timely visibility and energy for critical legislation was required, Clifton Consulting principles planned and executed a grassroots event on the National Mall, bringing together over 200 media outlets, busloads of constituents from all 50 states, national advocacy organizations and Congressional leaders to energize the voting base and build political will. The result was over 250,000 attendees, national media coverage and response from the majority leaders in the House and Senate.
Strategic Planning and Visibility Building for Diversity Initiatives
Partnering with big four consulting firms and Fortune 500 companies, Clifton Consulting has worked with inclusion teams to establish strategic partnerships, internal and external initiatives and to build visibility to potential recruits and employees around the globe. The result: improved visibility for successful inclusion efforts, speaking and media platforms and ongoing tracking of success metrics related to programmatic support for diverse hires.